
Deep Solid Tine Areation

The most common reason that turf professionals choose to deep tine aerate is for compaction relief. Deep tining penetrates beneath the layer of compacted material to allow air, water and fertilizer to be more effectively dispersed throughout the soil. The overall root structure inevitably becomes stronger and healthier.

Why is Deep tine Areation with kick action superior?

The shattering action is set by degree, and alleviates compaction in a way that causes no harm to the turf above. It shatters the compacted sidewalls - adding pore space to the soil profile, improving oxygen, water and nutrient movement downward, as well as an upward movement of any trapped toxic gases. Simple vertical penetration just does not provide the same level of relief.

The importance of depth

Aeration techniques that only penetrate 2-3 inches are not effective in the long run. After repeated use, they may create a new sub-surface layer of compaction worsening the original problem. The key is to go down deep with a degree of heave, and vary the depth of each treatment to avoid creating another hardpan layer deeper in the soil.

Relieving compaction problems will also reduce or eliminate a host of other undesirable conditions, providing improved drainage capability, and increased playability. Our aeration system allows the turf to absorb water deeper into the soil, avoiding run off, evaporation, and puddling. This in turn will reduce your down time, generate increased cash flow and promote consumer good will. When the surface hardness is eliminated, still further benefits will be realized. Better results from fertilizer application, a reduction of turf diseases, and fewer athletic injuries, for example. The incidence of injury related to sports field conditions is on the rise. With the increase in recreational and competitive sporting activities, many fields experience excess play and suffer from compacted soil and diminished turf cover due to over use. Players may complain of shin splints, injury from falls, excess jarring, etc.

Using Hollow tines for Soil Exchange

Increasingly, Sports turf managers are turning to this method to revitalize their fields. One inch by ten-inch deep hollow cores are pulled, and removed off site, followed by a heavy sand top dressing. This will get water and nutrients moving through the soil profile, and effectively eliminate thatch problems. 8 applications can achieve a 50 % soil profile exchange, although each field is assessed individually to determine the appropriate program requirements.

Custom hollow tining is especially effective for fields and fairways with satisfactory grade and installed drainage systems. We have had great success with this program for many golf courses and sports fields having playability problems. An added bonus is that there is no down time!