Top Dressing

Top Dressing

Top dressing is an essential maintenance service for all types of turf. The Process of top dressing is to spread an amendmnet over your turf. This could be sand soil, or a mixture of the two. after spreading the sand we use drag mats to float in the sand to the crown of the plant.

We Top Dress differently depending on application. After taking a look at our Areation Services Page, you will see that with solid tine areation, we do not want to fill in the holes. We want to leave the holes open to allow for the oxygen to get into the grow medium. Therefor we top dress before the solid tine application takes place. We have been able to observe this on feilds we have been doing this to over the past 25 years. Recently we took a soil sample and found the sand had evenly worked its way through the grow medium without leaving any layers.

With Hollow tine areation, we top dress after the hollow tine areation and core clean up is complete. In this instance we are trying to remove thatch and introduce more percable un-contaminated sand into the grow medium. This is a great service to introduce to your maintenance program. After 8 applications, we are abel to replace 50% of the grow medium under the turf, without ever taking the turf out of play.

The sucsess of top dressing is in the sand. Not all sand is the same.The sand can not be too course, or too fine. It must be free of contaminants. Contaminants could be naythig from rocks, plastics, weed seeds, etc. We can help in choosing the right sand for the job!